Naos Design Group | Cadence-Hollywood-Featured-Image

Orchard Supply

Cadence Capital

Hollywood, California

Cadence Capital asked us to find a way to fit a 30,000 sf hardware store with 30,000 sf of parking on a 39,800 sf lot. After wrestling with extremely restrictive building setbacks we found a solution to provide this uniquely handsome building with underground parking. The building was also required to meet the strict Los Angeles Green Building Code and California Energy Code. This project truly tested our problem solving skills.
  • 36,415 sf

  • Create a hardware store in the densely populated East Hollywood neighborhood with adequate underground parking to meet code requirements

  • 2017

Naos Design Group | Denver Architecture | Cadence Hollywood
Naos Design Group | Denver Architecture | Cadence Hollywood
Naos Design Group | Denver Architecture | Cadence Hollywood
Naos Design Group | Denver Architecture | Cadence Hollywood
Naos Design Group | Denver Architecture | Cadence Hollywood
Naos Design Group | Denver Architecture | Cadence Hollywood